
A German calligraphy book published in 1655 titled ‘Kunstrichtige Schreibart allerhand Versalie[n] oder AnfangsBuchstabe[n] der teütschen, lateinischen und italianischen Schrifften aus unterschiedlichen Meistern der edlen Schreibkunst zusammen getragen. I’ve always wanted to learn calligraphy but I’m slightly intimidated and may just stick to Helvetica. 

Such beautiful lettering. I found the link to this book. Write away!

I love doing illumination…even if my stuff still sorta kinda looks a bit like kindergarten fingerpainting. So, I’m doing another calligraphy giveaway! At least, I think it can be considered as a giveaway.

Anyway, reblog this before July 9th, 11:59 (MDT) and I’ll use one of those random generator thingies to pick a winner. Likes and reblogs count ( doing both gets your name in there twice!)

The winner will get a personalized illumination of their name like this. I’d like to mail (anywhere in the world) it to the winner, but if you just want a digital copy, that’s fine as well.

Winners must be willing to fill out an ask (private, I promise I won’t share it with the world) within two days of being announced stating their favorite things (fandoms, books, movies, eras, etc.) in life and what they think makes them them— this is personalized, after all. Unless you would rather have a character’s name, in which case, you must be willing to do the same for the character. 

If you don’t respond within two days, I’ll have to pick another winner, so make sure your asks are activated and keep an eye out!

Thanks for being such radical internet entities. 

Here’s my latest project! Still struggling with the painting…I’m not exactly what you would call artistically inclined. Although I do like gouache more than watercolors. Maybe some day I’ll be brave enough to do actual gold leaf gilding.

Stay tuned! A video is being made as we speak type!

Stayed up until 4 am grinding down my Noodler’s Ahab flex pen. The line variation is so much better now, and on better paper it almost has a dip pen-like quality. I am one happy camper. Also went ahead and ground down an old vintage pen I had with broken nib. It now writes beautifully. For the meantime, it has quenched my thirst for a Namiki Falcon pen with spencerian adjustment.

Some follower appreciation. Thanks for following, guys!